Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Heat Crankin' Up

I can't exactly remember how long it's been since the last blog entry, I've gotten a bit lazy already. A lot of stuff has happened in that period but it's too boring to go into detail on. My situation, however, has changed and now I'll be leaving USA to go back to Ireland a few weeks sooner than initially planned, meaning I've just a month left here. My feelings towards this are surprisingly mixed.

I actually miss Ireland like crazy! Being away has certainly made me more appreciative and proud of my homeland and although I want to travel the world and see as many places as possible throughout the next 10/15/20 years, Ireland, I think, is always going to be the place I'll be coming back to. That's not something I thought would be the case not so long ago.

Back to New York (my second home now).
One reason I'm kind of happy my stay here is being cut a few weeks short is that I've become increasingly frustrated with lack of companions. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of friends here, a lot of people I know and like but knowing people and knowing people willing are different things. I had so many plans prior to returning to NY but issues such as not finding anyone available or interested in making them happen with me has meant some of these plans are not going to work out, Niagara Falls being an example. No matter how much I love traveling, it's never that much fun on your own and a little part of me fears that I may have to deal with that situation over the years ahead as I look to tick all the boxes on my list.

Regardless, I've got Chicago and DC to look forward to, to end this summer, as well as more get togethers and nights on the beer with friends and I'm definitely gonna make the most of the last few weeks here. It's gonna be high octane stuff indeed!

I'm out!.... Paul

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